Dr. Austin Omer is the Associate Director of Natural Resource Policy at Illinois Farm Bureau. He received a B.S. in Biological Science, a B.S. in Agriculture Animal Science, and a M.S. in Agriculture Science from Illinois State University, and his Ph.D. in Forest Resources from Mississippi State University with an emphasis in nutrient management, water quality, and runoff reuse. He is an interdisciplinary hydrologist, agricultural scientist, and animal scientist with research and extension experience in both agricultural and silvicultural industries. Dr. Omer’s research interests include refining existing conservation practices to overcome barriers to adoption, investigating the interaction of conservation practices, and balancing the tradeoffs of agriculture sustainability efforts across production systems. His research has addressed the needs of the EPA 319 Program and the National Water Quality Initiative of the USDA NRCS. This research has focused on critical areas where working lands and water intersect, including water quality issues pertaining to nutrient management and chemical transport, water quantity concerns including using surface water for irrigation as a replacement for groundwater, and assessing USDA NRCS conservation practice effectiveness and costs. In conclusion of his research efforts, Dr. Omer has authored numerous peer-reviewed papers and extension materials, as well as presented at professional conferences and outreach events. He is passionate about providing agricultural producers with the information and support they need to make informed decisions when addressing environmental issues. Currently, he provides technical assistance to the agriculture industry throughout Illinois on a variety of environmental issues. He works to implement conservation by coordinating researchers and farmers through on-farm projects and expanding the impact of these efforts with additional outreach. He acts as a liaison with academic, state, and federal natural resource stakeholders and works to provide science-based input into policy by providing expertise to multiple working groups, committees, advisory boards, and forums.