Full Name
Matthew Wallenstein
Job Title
Chief Soil Scientist
Syngenta Group
Speaker Bio

Matthew Wallenstein is a soil ecologist who studies how microbes drive nutrient cycling, soil formation and decomposition, and affect crop health and productivity. His earlier work explored how soil microbes respond and adapt to climate change in ecosystems spanning deserts, grasslands, forests and Arctic tundra. In particular, he showed that changes in the composition of the soil microbiome affected ecosystem functioning. His research showed that microbes adapt to changing environments in ways that affect not only ecosystem functioning, but global carbon cycles.

Dr. Wallenstein later shifted He has helped elucidate novel mechanisms by which plants control the assembly of the microbiome in their rooting zone, and has shown how this affects plant fitness. He has applied his expertise in plant-microbe interactions to develop and commercialize a patented microbial biostimulant (Mammoth P) that enhances plant growth by making soil phosphorus more available.

Wallenstein is a professor emeritus and former department head in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University. He is the past president of the Soil Ecology Society, and a cofounder of Growcentia, Inc. He also a recipient of a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER award and a fellow of the Ecological Society of America.

In 2022, Dr. Wallenstein retired from academia to take a role as Chief Soil Scientist of Syngenta Group, a leading global agricultural technology company. He leads the company’s efforts to develop products and services that enhance soil health.

Matthew Wallenstein