Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith is a Professor and Associate Director of the School of Environment and Natural Resources, Kellogg Endowed Chair of Agroecological Management, and Director of the Agroecological Management Program at the Ohio State University. Prior to joining OSU as part of the Discovery Themes Initiative in August 2016, he was Co-Director of the Program on Agricultural Technology Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, then spent 15 years as a faculty member at Utah State University. Trained as a rural sociologist, his research has explored the dynamics of technological and structural change in the dairy, livestock, and wheat sectors. Dr. Jackson-Smith’s research integrates social science theory and mixed methods into interdisciplinary studies of food and agricultural issues and has published extensively on the drivers and consequences of technological and economic change in the agrifood system. He has also worked extensively on human dimensions of nonpoint water pollution problems, and most recently co-led an NSF funded project exploring the coupled human-natural system dynamics of water systems in the Intermountain West. He served on two National Academies committees that issued the 2010 report on Sustainable Agricultural Systems for the 21st Century and the 2015 Framework to Assess the Health, Environmental and Social Effects of the U.S. Food System. He has helped lead several major USDA, NSF, and DOE inter-disciplinary science grants worth over $30 million with a focus on both rural/agricultural and urban landscapes. He received a BS in Rural Sociology from Cornell University, and an MA in Agricultural Economics and an MS and PhD in Sociology, all from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.