Break & Networking Lounge
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Julia Valliant Cleofas Rodriguez Jr. Becca B.R. Jablonski Alexa McKinley, J.D. Analena Bruce Amber Twitty Barbara Fabre Jessica Crowe Adam Alson Shoshanah Inwood Florence Becot Katherine Lim Douglas Jackson-Smith Mary Nugent Kara Woods Tamara Telles Megan Schossow Erica Goodman Maria Marshall Bryn Bird James Davis Surabhi Dabir Jamie Davenport

Enjoy your lunch while making new connections, collaborations, and digging deeper into the issues with subject matter experts. Discussion tables will convene conference participants with government representatives, farmers, technical service providers, and researchers on specific social and economic needs and common ground issues.

Participants will be automatically assigned to a specific breakout room table topic. You can leave the room at any time and rejoin the lobby area to switch to a different table topic. 

Table Topics Include:

  1. Opportunities to support rural social and physical infrastructures through USDA Rural Development
  2. Incorporating caregiving (childcare and elder care) into farm research and technical assistance 
  3. Integrating health care and health insurance into farm research
  4. What social and economic needs are missing from the farm succession and retirement equation?
  5. What is the data we have and what is the data we need to understand farm household social and economic needs?

For more information, please click here.

Session Type
Virtual Session Link
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