Session Three: Asia/Pacific Perspectives
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Richard Heath - Australian Farm Institute
Joseph Glauber - International Food Policy Research Institute
Jennifer Turner - Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum
Wendong Zhang - Iowa State University
Liang Sun - China National Institute of Stadardization
Joseph Glauber - International Food Policy Research Institute
Jennifer Turner - Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum
Wendong Zhang - Iowa State University
Liang Sun - China National Institute of Stadardization

In this session, panelists will discuss climate actions in their countries as well as various carbon pricing options adopted in other jurisdictions and potential border measures to prevent carbon leakage. Panelists will discuss what challenges and opportunities they foresee given new and evolving standards and expectations for factoring climate change into trade agreements, while ensuring food security.
Session Type
General Session
Virtual Session Link