Session One: Farm Families' Persistence and Well Being
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Mary Ahearn Douglas Jackson-Smith Becca B.R. Jablonski

Location:  Zoom

Farm Operator Household Well-Being Measurement And Analysis: The Past 50 Years And Future Directions

Presentation by Mary Clare Ahearn, Ph.D, National Center for Food and Ag Policy (retired) 

Authors:  Mary Clare Ahearn, Ph.D, and Ashok Mishra 

Factors Associated with Farm Survival and Exit During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ohio 

Presentation by Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith, The Ohio State University 

Authors:  Douglas Jackson-Smith, Tiffany Woods, Shoshannah Inwood, Julia Linder, and Lauren Gallander 

Discussion Moderator: Becca Jablonski, Colorado State University 


Session Type
General Session
Virtual Session Link
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