Meet the Organizers

Farm Foundation is an accelerator of practical solutions for agriculture and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit working across the food and ag value chain to build momentum behind meaningful solutions to some of the most important challenges facing farmers and, by extension, our industry as a whole. 

Our fiercely nonpartisan approach means we are uniquely able to address issues with objectivity and inclusivity, bringing together diverse perspectives from influential people and organizations to discuss and develop solutions. We support food and agriculture by meeting challenges with a relentless dedication to ensuring all the right stakeholders are involved and engaged in building something for the greater good—providing an agenda-free zone to achieve a shared vision for a better future for food and ag. We move with speed, purpose and agility to make the greatest impact in the most important areas in the shortest amount of time.

The mission of USDA's Economic Research Service is to anticipate trends and emerging issues in agriculture, food, the environment, and rural America and to conduct high-quality, objective economic research to inform and enhance public and private decision making.

ERS shapes its research programs and products to serve those who routinely make or influence public policy and program decisions. To support its research on agricultural research and productivity, ERS routinely publish measures of U.S. and International agricultural productivity, agricultural research investment, and evidence-based research reports.

With the ultimate goal of improving human health, safety, and wellbeing or rural and agricultural communities, the National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC) acts as a national resource by conducting high quality research, developing and delivering health and safety information, exploring innovative intervention models, and leading initiatives and networks.  Affiliated with the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, NFMC was founded in 1981 and has been the home of the CDC-NIOSH funded National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety since 1997.