
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9:00 AM
- 10:00 AM CDT

Location: Webinar format with Q&A

Welcome Address: 9:00 - 9:10 a.m.

Shoshanah Inwood, The Ohio State University

USDA Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Xochitl Torres Small

Moderated by:

Martha King, Farm Foundation 


Panel Discussion: 9:10 - 10:00 a.m.

Moderated by:

Matt Russell, USDA Farm Service Agency 

Panel Participants:

Dr. Gabrielle Roesch-McNally, American Farmland Trust

Adam Alson, Alson Farms and Appleseed Childhood Education

Mary Saunders Bulan, Rural Advancement Foundation International - USA

Graham Unangst-Rufenacht, Rural Vermont 

10:00 AM
- 11:30 AM CDT

Location:  Zoom

Farm Operator Household Well-Being Measurement And Analysis: The Past 50 Years And Future Directions

Presentation by Mary Clare Ahearn, Ph.D, National Center for Food and Ag Policy (retired) 

Authors:  Mary Clare Ahearn, Ph.D, and Ashok Mishra 

Factors Associated with Farm Survival and Exit During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ohio 

Presentation by Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith, The Ohio State University 

Authors:  Douglas Jackson-Smith, Tiffany Woods, Shoshannah Inwood, Julia Linder, and Lauren Gallander 

Discussion Moderator: Becca Jablonski, Colorado State University 


11:30 AM
- 12:30 PM CDT

Enjoy your lunch while making new connections, collaborations, and digging deeper into the issues with subject matter experts. Discussion tables will convene conference participants with government representatives, farmers, technical service providers, and researchers on specific social and economic needs and common ground issues.

Participants will be automatically assigned to a specific breakout room table topic. You can leave the room at any time and rejoin the lobby area to switch to a different table topic. 

Table Topics Include:

  1. Opportunities to support rural social and physical infrastructures through USDA Rural Development
  2. Incorporating caregiving (childcare and elder care) into farm research and technical assistance 
  3. Integrating health care and health insurance into farm research
  4. What social and economic needs are missing from the farm succession and retirement equation?
  5. What is the data we have and what is the data we need to understand farm household social and economic needs?

For more information, please click here.

12:30 PM
- 2:00 PM CDT

Location:  Zoom

"A Farm is Viable If It Can Keep Its Head Above Water"; Farm Viability, Persistence, And The Sustainability Of Agriculture in New England

Presentation by Analena Bruce, University of New Hampshire

Authors:  Analena Bruce, Cindy Zheng, and Elise Neideker

The Impact of Expanded Health Care Coverage On U.S. Beginning Farmers And Ranchers

Presentation by Allie Bauman, Colorado State University 

Authors:  Allie Bauman and Becca Jablonski

Farm Families' Challenges Meeting Their Social And Economic Needs And The Consequences On the Farm Business:  The Example of Childcare

Presentation by Florence Becot, National Farm Medicine Center 

Authors: Florence Becot and Shoshannah Inwood 

Discussion Moderator: Jessica Crowe, USDA-ERS

2:05 PM
- 3:35 PM CDT

Location:  Zoom

Farm Households and Retirement:  Incomes Sources and Savings Behavior

Presentation by Katherine Lim, USDA Economic Research Service 

Authors:  Katherine Lim and Ashley Spalding

"Rich And Ready To Go Or Stay And Grow"?  A Succession Preparedness Study Of U.S. Farmers in the North Central Region 

Presentation by Renee Wiatt, Purdue University and Maria I. Marshall, Purdue University 

Authors: Renee Wiatt and Maria I. Marshall

Distance To Commercial Banks And Farm Household Use of Financial Services 

Presentation by Tia McDonald, USDA Economic Research Service 

Authors:  Tia McDonald and Noah Miller 

Discussion Moderator:  Shoshanah Inwood, The Ohio State University 

3:35 PM
- 4:00 PM CDT

Location:  Zoom

Panel of organizers reflecting on the conference, discussion questions, and concluding thoughts.

Time Zone: (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada) [Change Time Zone]