Session One: Farm Families' Persistence and Well Being
Factors Associated with Farm Survival and Exit During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ohio
Authors: Douglas Jackson-Smith, Tiffany Woods, Shoshannah Inwood,
Julia Linder, and Lauren Gallander
Presented By:

Farm Operator Household Well-Being Measurement And Analysis: The Past 50 Years
And Future Directions
Authors: Mary Clare Ahearn, Ph.D, and Ashok Mishra
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Session Two: Farm Viability in the Face of Social and Economic Needs
"A Farm is Viable If It Can Keep Its Head Above Water"; Farm Viability, Persistence, And The Sustainability Of Agriculture in New England
Authors: Analena Bruce, Cindy Zheng, and Elise Neideker
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The Impact of Expanded Health Care Coverage On U.S. Beginning Farmers And Ranchers
Authors: Allie Bauman and Becca Jablonski
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Farm Families' Challenges Meeting Their Social And Economic Needs And
The Consequences On the Farm Business: The Example of Childcare
Authors: Florence Becot and Shoshannah Inwood
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Session Three: Overcoming Barriers to Meeting Farm Household
and Farm Business Goals
Farm Households and Retirement: Incomes Sources and Savings Behavior
Authors: Katherine Lim and Ashley Spalding
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"Rich And Ready To Go Or Stay And Grow"?
A Succession Preparedness Study Of U.S. Farmers in the North Central Region
Authors: Renee Wiatt and Maria I. Marshall
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Distance To Commercial Banks And Farm Household Use of Financial Services
Authors: Tia McDonald and Noah Miller
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